moving to alexandria virginia

Moving Makes Life a Hot Mess

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The past two weeks have been nothing but moving boxes. To the ceiling, to be precise. Stacked. Blocking me from my kitchen and closet. For a month, all I did was work, then come home and pack and pack and pack. It was exhausting!

moving to alexandria virginiamoving out of studio apartment

Slowly but surely, thanks to the help of generous friends & burly movers, Sam & I now have both moved into our lovely little town home. We are loving it so far.

moving to alexandria virginiamoving with pet dogs

But now the real challenge has begun…. unpacking and organizing. It is a real mess. I love purposeful organization. So the process of committing to a silverware drawer before I can properly test out the practicality of each drawer option is nerve-wracking. Multiple furniture and drawer arrangement swaps are surely in my future.

Even harder? Decorating a house that’s twice as large as my studio, while keeping Sam’s style preference in mind too. Blending two design styles (me = white, pops of color, modern, clean,  & Sam = wood, industrial, dark…. eek) is a challenge.

rug shopping target

Luckily, I love the thrill of the hunt. Shopping for home furnishings is my jam (Home Goods, World Market, Target, thrift stores, ebay, etsy, the list goes on.) But the town house is huge! And currently sitting sorta empty and pathetic looking with boxes still stacked high. I am overeager to fill it with new rugs, art, and furniture. I’m trying to remind myself to take it slow and enjoy the shopping process.

And to make matters even more interesting, the crazy hyper dog in the photo below is already making enemies. Day 1 in the new town house and Tilly already causing havoc. She hates moving. The boxes moving around, new smells, loud noises, and new schedules get her riled up.

separation anxiety dogs

Lucky for us, my Mom & sister will be visiting us next week! They are traveling from Milwaukee to visit us during Camryn’s high school spring break. And being the DIY Diva that she is, my Mom is bringing me some pretty amazing items for the new home.

She transformed this blah filing cabinet from Goodwill into a new and improved navy one. This will be perfect under my bright green desk for organizing our combined papers and files.

filing cabinet paint diy

diy navy filing cabinet

And after falling in love with the plant stand on El Camino Travel’s Instagram photo, I quickly convinced her to make me a few of my own plant stands for my patio and entryway. Thank goodness for Moms with a love for Pinterest projects, free time, and a garage full of power tools. May I one day be as handy as she is. Until then I’ll just graciously reap the benefits of her DIY projects.

modern plant stand diy


So there is your progress report! Currently a mess! But soon to be a real beauty. Stay tuned.

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Reidmore blogger, Washington DC explorer, & Tilly lover Blogging about life in DC, travels, and home & personal style.
